The English version is available below
Ovaj blog je namenjen svima koji žele da znaju nešto više o ekologiji. Ovde ćemo imati i edukacije vezane za reciklažu, zagađenje itd. Ali i proučavaćemo ekologiju... Pa hajde da počnemo!
Ekologija je jedna od bioloških disciplina. Ona objedinjuje i povezuje znanja iz drugih bioloških disciplina kao što su mikologija, botanika, mikrobiologija, zoologija itd. A i iz drugih nauka kao što su: geografija, geologija, fizika i hemija.
Ekologija proučava:
Naziv počinje od grčke reči oikos - dom, i logos - nauka,
Ekologiju je vrlo teško svrstati kao ostale, preciznije nauke, kao matematika ili biologija. Početkom 20-tog veka, naučnici iz raznih disciplina su se postepeno suočavali sa problemima čiji odgovor je zahtevao sintezu iz dve, ili čak tri razne nauke. Pre toga, hemičari su se bavili isključivo hemijom, biolozi biologijom, fizičari fizikom. Početkom 1960-tih godina, čuveni američki biolog, Rachel Carson, je napisala revolucionarnu knjigu, The Silent Spring (1962.): (Tiho Proljeće). Centralna tema ove knjige je bila žestoka kritika upotrebe pesticida DDT, koji je prouzrokovao razne mutacije u brojnoj flori i fauni. Ova knjiga je zabeležila visok broj prodaja i konzekventno je 'probudila' ekološku svest. Ukratko rečeno, ekologija je ponovo probuđena u 20-tom stoljeću, mada se ipak može reći da su ekolozi, tj. da je ekološki prilaz problemima, postojao daleko prije toga.
This blog is intended for those who want to know more about ecology. Here we have an education about recycling, pollution and so on. But study the ecology ... So let's get started!
Ecology is one of the biological disciplines. It connects and integrates knowledge from other biological disciplines such as mycology, botany, microbiology, zoology, etc.. A and the other sciences such as geography, geology, physics and chemistry.
Ecology studies:
Environment, Relations between the animate and inanimate nature, relationships between living things, adaptation of living things at the environment.
Name starts from the Greek word oikos - home, and logos - science,German zoologist Ernest Haeckel in 1866. was first introduced the notion of ecology in science.
Ecology is very difficult to be classified as other, more precise science, mathematics or biology. At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists from various disciplines have gradually confronted with problems whose answer is required the synthesis of two or even three different science. Previously, chemists have studied only the chemistry, biology, biologists, physicists physics. In early 1960's, the famous American biologist Rachel Carson, wrote a groundbreaking book, The Silent Spring (1962).: (Silent Spring). The central theme of this book was fierce criticism of the use of pesticide DDT, which caused the various mutations in numerous flora and fauna. This book has seen a high number of sales and consequently the 'awakened' environmental awareness. In short, the environment is re-awakened in the 20th century, although it can still say that the environmentalists, that is. ecological approach to the problems existed long before that.
Ecology is a complex scientific discipline that can be divided into other specific areas:
Ecology of plants, Ecology of animal, Ecology of fungi, Hidroekology, Cosmic ecology, and so on.
Ecology is trying to find the answer and solution to many environmental problems surrounding us all the more. Unfortunately, many problems of today are of human origin. Transportation, power plants and combustion of fossil fuels for various purposes are responsible for more than 50% of air pollution. Water and soil containing increasing amounts of various heavy metals and pesticides. Nuclear power plants produce large quantities of radioactive waste handling and disposal of which requires very precise measurements and standards. Such problems are only a few examples.Thus, the environment is facing problems in the environment. The answers are not always evident neither simple nor easy.
Ecology is of great importance. For life on Earth is based on its laws. Knowledge of ecology, we can use nature for their own purposes and not to harm her. Ignorance and insatiable nature of human behavior has led to the human population on the brink of collapse and extinction of various species of living beings.It is used in other biological disciplines (agriculture, forestry, medicine ...) because it allows the balanced exploitation of natural resources and preserving the maximum avoidance of pollution and environmental damage.
Ovaj blog je namenjen svima koji žele da znaju nešto više o ekologiji. Ovde ćemo imati i edukacije vezane za reciklažu, zagađenje itd. Ali i proučavaćemo ekologiju... Pa hajde da počnemo!
Ekologija je jedna od bioloških disciplina. Ona objedinjuje i povezuje znanja iz drugih bioloških disciplina kao što su mikologija, botanika, mikrobiologija, zoologija itd. A i iz drugih nauka kao što su: geografija, geologija, fizika i hemija.
Ekologija proučava:
- Životnu sredinu
- odnose između žive i nežive prirode
- odnose između živih bića
- prilagođenost živih bića na uslove sredine
Naziv počinje od grčke reči oikos - dom, i logos - nauka,
Nemački zoolog Ernest Hekel je 1866. je prvi put uveo pojam ekologija u nauku.
Ekologiju je vrlo teško svrstati kao ostale, preciznije nauke, kao matematika ili biologija. Početkom 20-tog veka, naučnici iz raznih disciplina su se postepeno suočavali sa problemima čiji odgovor je zahtevao sintezu iz dve, ili čak tri razne nauke. Pre toga, hemičari su se bavili isključivo hemijom, biolozi biologijom, fizičari fizikom. Početkom 1960-tih godina, čuveni američki biolog, Rachel Carson, je napisala revolucionarnu knjigu, The Silent Spring (1962.): (Tiho Proljeće). Centralna tema ove knjige je bila žestoka kritika upotrebe pesticida DDT, koji je prouzrokovao razne mutacije u brojnoj flori i fauni. Ova knjiga je zabeležila visok broj prodaja i konzekventno je 'probudila' ekološku svest. Ukratko rečeno, ekologija je ponovo probuđena u 20-tom stoljeću, mada se ipak može reći da su ekolozi, tj. da je ekološki prilaz problemima, postojao daleko prije toga.
Ekologije je složena naučna disciplina koja se može podeliti na druge uže oblasti:
-ekologija biljaka
-ekologija životinja
-ekologija gljiva
-kosmička ekologija
Ekologija pokušava da pronađe odgovor i rešenje brojnim problemima okoline koji nas sve više okružuju. Nažalost, mnogi problemi današnjice su ljudskog porekla. Prevoz, termoelektrane i sagorevanje fosilnog goriva za razne svrhe su odgovorni za više od 50% zagađenja vazduha. Vode i tla sadrže sve veće količine raznih teških metala i pesticida. Nuklearne elektrane proizvode velike količine radioaktivnog otpada, čija manipulacija i odlaganje zahteva vrlo precizne mere i standarde. Ovakvi problemi su samo par primera.
Dakle, ekologija se suočava sa problemima u životnoj okolini. Odgovori nisu uvijek evidentni ni jednostavni ni lagani.
Ekologija ima ogroman značaj. Jer se život na Zemlji zasniva na njenim zakonima. Poznavanjem ekologije možemo koristiti prirodu za svoje potrebe a da joj ne naštetimo. Neznanje i nezajažljivo ljudsko ponašanje prema prirodi dovelo je ljudsku populaciju na korak od propasti i istrebljenja raznih vrsta živih bića.
Ona se primenjuje i u drugim biološkim disciplinama (poljoprivredi šumarstvu, medicini...) Jer omogućava uravnoteženo iskorišćavanje i očuvavanje prirodnih bogatstava uz maksimalno izbegavanje narušavanja i zagađivanja okoline.
_______________________________________________________________________This blog is intended for those who want to know more about ecology. Here we have an education about recycling, pollution and so on. But study the ecology ... So let's get started!
Ecology is one of the biological disciplines. It connects and integrates knowledge from other biological disciplines such as mycology, botany, microbiology, zoology, etc.. A and the other sciences such as geography, geology, physics and chemistry.
Ecology studies:
Environment, Relations between the animate and inanimate nature, relationships between living things, adaptation of living things at the environment.
Name starts from the Greek word oikos - home, and logos - science,German zoologist Ernest Haeckel in 1866. was first introduced the notion of ecology in science.
Ecology is very difficult to be classified as other, more precise science, mathematics or biology. At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists from various disciplines have gradually confronted with problems whose answer is required the synthesis of two or even three different science. Previously, chemists have studied only the chemistry, biology, biologists, physicists physics. In early 1960's, the famous American biologist Rachel Carson, wrote a groundbreaking book, The Silent Spring (1962).: (Silent Spring). The central theme of this book was fierce criticism of the use of pesticide DDT, which caused the various mutations in numerous flora and fauna. This book has seen a high number of sales and consequently the 'awakened' environmental awareness. In short, the environment is re-awakened in the 20th century, although it can still say that the environmentalists, that is. ecological approach to the problems existed long before that.
Ecology is a complex scientific discipline that can be divided into other specific areas:
Ecology of plants, Ecology of animal, Ecology of fungi, Hidroekology, Cosmic ecology, and so on.
Ecology is trying to find the answer and solution to many environmental problems surrounding us all the more. Unfortunately, many problems of today are of human origin. Transportation, power plants and combustion of fossil fuels for various purposes are responsible for more than 50% of air pollution. Water and soil containing increasing amounts of various heavy metals and pesticides. Nuclear power plants produce large quantities of radioactive waste handling and disposal of which requires very precise measurements and standards. Such problems are only a few examples.Thus, the environment is facing problems in the environment. The answers are not always evident neither simple nor easy.
Ecology is of great importance. For life on Earth is based on its laws. Knowledge of ecology, we can use nature for their own purposes and not to harm her. Ignorance and insatiable nature of human behavior has led to the human population on the brink of collapse and extinction of various species of living beings.It is used in other biological disciplines (agriculture, forestry, medicine ...) because it allows the balanced exploitation of natural resources and preserving the maximum avoidance of pollution and environmental damage.
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